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سفارة الجزائر بجمهورية فنلندا

Embassy of Algeria to Finland
الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية
People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria

Change of residence (CCR)

The Embassy of Algeria in Helsinki carries to the conaissane of the Algerian community in Finland that the law N19-14 of 11 decembe 2019 carrying law of finanes for 2020. provides in its article 80 modifying and completing the provisions of the article 202 of law N17-04 of February 16, 2017 – amending and supplementing law N79-07 of July 21, 1979 relating to the code of the days that the value of the merchandise is reduced by taxes and taxes within the framework of a change of residence including the vehicle is brought to :
– Four million dinars (4,000,000.00 DA) for trainee workers and students abroad.
– Five million dinars (5,000,000.00 DA) for other nationals.