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سفارة الجزائر بجمهورية فنلندا

Embassy of Algeria to Finland
الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية
People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria

Termination of residency (moving from Finland)

If you are planning to leave Finland for good, then you may wish to apply for a certificate of change of residency (Certificat de Changement de Résidence) or abridged CCR.

The CCR has been established in order to enable Algerian expatriates planning to return home for good, to take back their personal belongings, including a new car, without paying custom duties and other taxes.


General Conditions


  • Applicant must be registered at the Embassy,
  • Applicant must provide documents which show three (3) years of legal and uninterrupted residence in Finland, such as Employment Verification Letter, Bank Statement…,
  • Applicant have never benefited of CCR,
  • The CCR is granted once only to the Head of the family (spouse and minor children are not entitled.)
  • It is valid for six (6) months from the date of issue and cannot be extended without the approval of Algerian Customs (Direction Générale des Douanes),
  • If you are sending a vehicle, it must be new and brought to Algeria within 30 days
  • Declared items on the inventory list should under no circumstances be amended. The addition of other items may result in the cancellation of the CCR by Algerian Customs,
  • In accordance with the Algerian customs rules, the presence of the holder of CCR is required when completing customs formalities in Algeria Power of attorney is no more accepted.
  • Vehicle Specification : – The vehicle must be new and brought to Algeria within 30 days – A new vehicle (voiture touristique) and whose engine size must not exceed 2000 cm3 (for Petrol model) or 2500 cm3 (for Diesel model). – Or a new Light Commercial Vehicle (véhicule utilitaire neuf) whose total weight (Poids total en charge) must not exceed 5.950 Kgs. – Or a two wheel vehicle subject to registration (Motor Bike).
  • Personal belongings : Personal belongings include the whole family personal effects (clothing, books, toys, electronic devices, tools…), furniture (bedrooms, mattresses, sofa beds, kitchen appliances, entertainment devices …). Recreational and fishing boats, pleasure crafts, zodiac boats are not allowed under CCR.
  • Total value of the CCR : The total amount of the value of the personal belongings, including a new car, allowed on the occasion of a transfer of residency (CCR) has been increased by the Finance Law for 2013 (read Article 31 of the law Nº 12-12 dated 26 December 2012 published in the Official Gazette Nº 72 dated 30 December 2012). Hence, the total value must not exceed the following amounts: – Four million Algerian Dinars (4 000 000 DA ) for the students and the trainees. – Five million Algerian Dinars (5 000 000 DA ) for the other citizens.
  • CCR Consular fees :

– A fixed fee in the amount of 40 euros for the CCR document.

– A variable fee which increases by 4 euros for every 100 euros declared.

– Students and trainees pay 50% of the due fee.

  • The issuance of the CCR leads systematically to the cancellation (Radiation) of the applicant’s consular registration. To seek re-registration, applicant must provide wait six (06) months and must provide a first registration file.


Required Documents


To request a CCR, you need to provide the following documents :

  • Written request addressed to Ambassador,
  • CCR Application form,
  • Inventory of personal belongings,
  • Original of the Consular Card (+ 2 copies),
  • Copy of the first page of the Algerian passport,
  • Copy of a legal and valid Finnish residency,
  • Vehicle registration documents, issued on the name of the applicant + 2 copies,
  • Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin + 02 copies,
  • Original invoice for the car + 2 copies,
  • Proof of activity such as an Employment Verification letter or Enrollment Verification Letter for students or trainees.
  • Proof of bank transfer of appropriate fees.


Contact and payment info

  • Opening hours for consular services: 10:00-13.00 from Monday to Thursday.
  • Payments, we accept only CASH